Hopefully all of you know that I’m in India. But I wanted to tell ya’ll more about my surroundings. I’m in Tamil Nadu which is the southernmost state of India and am living in the city of Coimbatore. We live on Race Course road which is the fancy/upscale part of town. All along this road there are many nice places to eat and interesting things to see. To get to school we walk along Race Course for about 15 minutes. We pass by Café Coffee Day which is like an American Starbucks and then Indulge where we get internet (and where I am writing this from). Right across the street from Indulge is a Hindu temple that we usually see people worshipping in. There are street beggars, street dogs, gardeners, and endless people walking. A lot of them are exercise walking and we see the women with tennis shoes on with their saris! We also pass an outdoor gym where we see about 20 men ‘working out’- badmitten, free weights, and different bars to do pull-ups. We always feel so awkward passing by since they all turn and just stare at us. Finally, we cross a street to get school. We are definitely getting better at avoiding the auto rickshaws, busses, cars, and endless motorcycles. We usually shop for our weekly groceries at a 3 story fruit/vegetable market another 15 minutes past school. Of course, we walk everywhere.
This is our water filter that only gets water from 7-7:30 am that we have to fill every day because we go through about 20 litres of water a day!
This is our living room/dining room. I’ve only sat in the dining room once to do homework! Emergency light in the hallway for when (not if) the power goes out. We hang our clothes on the line outside.
The apartment has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. This is my room and my bed is the one of the left. So thankful that we are getting mosquito nets soon!
And this is the 'shower'. Bucket bath actually but I'm almost coming to prefer this method. I can't even use a full bucket of water if I try so its nice not to waste so much water.
I hope this gives you a better picture of my life here.
so great to see all these pictures of your life!