Tuesday 17 January 2012


The food here is great-but full of extremes! Extremely hot or extremely sweet. We eat lunch in the ‘Mess’ or university cafeteria with the other students. Rice is obviously the staple and then there are loads of different sauces to be mixed in.

                One lunch we went to a restaurant  where we were served a full meal for 75 rupees- about a dollar and a half. First they brought us a banana leaf plate which we were told to sprinkle some water on to wash it. Next a man came around a dumped a huge amount of rice on our banana leaf. Later they brought about 6 sauces which we mixed around with our right hand.  At the end of the meal there is some sort of extremely sweet soupy stuff to take. I can never drink more than 1 or 2 sips!

                On the other hand, there is a lot of modern/western food here. I’ve gone to a coffee shop called Coffee Day (like Starbucks) with some of my friends were we got Mango smoothies, ice cream and cake, and various iced coffees to share. Delicious. My very favorite is a mint/lemon iced drink that is so cool and refreshing! When we aren’t eating in the Mess or eating out, it’s all about the fruit-bananas, apples, oranges, and pineapples are all we have in our fridge.

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